Fork 0

group and cache adjacent static outfit layers

perf win owo!
This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2020-09-25 07:35:49 -07:00
parent e817ba705b
commit 32c4e540a3

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@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ function OutfitCanvas({
const { loading } = useEaselDependenciesLoader();
// Set the canvas's internal dimensions to be higher, if the device has high
// DPI like retina. But we'll keep the layout width/height as expected!
const internalWidth = width * window.devicePixelRatio;
const internalHeight = height * window.devicePixelRatio;
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (loading) {
@ -39,46 +44,106 @@ function OutfitCanvas({
return () => window.createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener("tick", onTick);
}, [loading]);
const reorganizeChildren = React.useCallback(() => {
// First, to simplify, let's clean out all of the main children, and any
// caching group containers they might be in. This will empty the stage.
// (This isn't like, _great_ to do re perf, but it only happens on
// add/remove, and we don't update yet, and it simplifies the algo a lot.)
// NOTE: We copy the arrays below, because mutating them while iterating
// causes elements to get lost!
const children = [];
for (const childOrCacheGroup of [...stage.children]) {
if (childOrCacheGroup.DTI_isCacheGroup) {
for (const child of [...childOrCacheGroup.children]) {
} else {
const child = childOrCacheGroup;
// Sort the children in zIndex order.
children.sort((a, b) => a.DTI_zIndex - b.DTI_zIndex);
// Now, re-insert the children into the stage, while making a point of
// grouping adjacent non-animated assets into cache group containers.
let lastCacheGroup = null;
for (const child of children) {
if (child.DTI_hasAnimations) {
lastCacheGroup = null;
} else {
if (!lastCacheGroup) {
lastCacheGroup = new window.createjs.Container();
lastCacheGroup.DTI_isCacheGroup = true;
// Finally, cache the cache groups! This will flatten them into a single
// bitmap, so that these adjacent static layers can render ~instantly on
// each frame, instead of spending time compositing all of them together.
// Doesn't seem like a big deal, but helps a lot for squeezing out that
// last oomph of performance!
for (const childOrCacheGroup of stage.children) {
if (childOrCacheGroup.DTI_isCacheGroup) {
childOrCacheGroup.cache(0, 0, internalWidth, internalHeight);
// Check whether any of the children have animations. Either way, call the
// onChangeHasAnimations callback to let the parent know.
if (onChangeHasAnimations) {
const hasAnimations = stage.children.some((c) => c.DTI_hasAnimations);
}, [stage, onChangeHasAnimations, internalWidth, internalHeight]);
const addChild = React.useCallback(
(child, zIndex, { afterFirstDraw = null } = {}) => {
// Save this child's z-index for future sorting.
// Save this child's z-index and animation-ness for future use. (We could
// recompute the animation one at any time, it's just a cached value!)
child.DTI_zIndex = zIndex;
// Add the child, then slot it into the right place in the order.
child.DTI_hasAnimations = createjsNodeHasAnimations(child);
// Add the child, then reorganize the children to get them sorted and
// grouped.
stage.sortChildren((a, b) => a.DTI_zIndex - b.DTI_zIndex);
// Finally, add a one-time listener to trigger `afterFirstDraw`.
if (afterFirstDraw) {
stage.on("drawend", afterFirstDraw, null, true);
if (onChangeHasAnimations) {
const hasAnimations = stage.children.some((c) =>
// NOTE: We don't bother firing an update, because we trust the ticker
// to do it on the next frame.
[stage, onChangeHasAnimations]
[stage, reorganizeChildren]
const removeChild = React.useCallback(
(child) => {
if (onChangeHasAnimations) {
const hasAnimations = stage.children.some((c) =>
// Remove the child, then reorganize the children in case this affects
// grouping for caching. (Note that the child's parent might not be the
// stage; it might be part of a caching group.)
// NOTE: We don't bother firing an update, because we trust the ticker
// to do it on the next frame. (And, I don't understand why, but
// updating here actually paused remaining movies! So, don't!)
[stage, onChangeHasAnimations]
const addResizeListener = React.useCallback((handler) => {
@ -127,11 +192,8 @@ function OutfitCanvas({
// Set the canvas's internal dimensions to be higher, if the device has
// high DPI like retina. But we'll keep the layout width/height as
// expected!
width={width * window.devicePixelRatio}
height={height * window.devicePixelRatio}
width: width + "px",
height: height + "px",