Fork 0

Clarify that outfit page links won't change

I add copy to indicate this, and update the tool to respond with a happy-looking no-change UI when you put in an outfit page link!
This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2021-06-01 17:29:13 -07:00
parent 598858c084
commit 1865d62945

View file

@ -60,7 +60,12 @@ function OutfitUrlsPage() {
Hi, friends! Sorry for the trouble 😓 In short, by switching to the
new outfit URLs below, we'll decrease our hosting costs by
$20/month! 🙏
$30/month! 🙏
This change applies to <strong>image embeds</strong>, for{" "}
<code>img</code> tags in your lookups and petpages. Other kinds of
outfit links will stay the same!
<OutfitUrlConverter />
@ -83,13 +88,13 @@ function OutfitUrlsPage() {
So, we've moved our apps to a new, more cost-efficient way to share
outfit images! But, until we delete the old images from Amazon S3
altogether, we're still paying $20/month <em>just</em> to support
altogether, we're still paying $30/month <em>just</em> to support
the old <code>amazonaws.com</code> URLs.
I looked hard for a way to redirect the old Amazon URLs to our new
service, but it seems to not be possible, and it seems like
$20/month could be better spent another way 😖
$30/month could be better spent another way 😖
We haven't removed these images from Amazon yet, so old image URLs
@ -145,8 +150,19 @@ function SingleImageConverter() {
parseError = e;
const previewBackground = useColorModeValue("gray.200", "whiteAlpha.300");
const isAlreadyConverted = parseError instanceof UrlAlreadyConvertedError;
const isInvalid = parseError && !isAlreadyConverted;
if (isAlreadyConverted) {
outputUrl = inputUrl;
const previewImageUrl = isAlreadyConverted
? buildNewOutfitUrl({ outfitId: parseError.outfitId, size: 300 })
: outputUrl?.endsWith("png")
? outputUrl
: null;
const previewBackground = useColorModeValue("gray.200", "whiteAlpha.300");
const { onCopy, hasCopied } = useClipboard(outputUrl);
return (
@ -167,7 +183,7 @@ function SingleImageConverter() {
<FormControl gridArea="input" isInvalid={Boolean(parseError)}>
<FormControl gridArea="input" isInvalid={isInvalid}>
<FormLabel fontWeight="bold">Enter an outfit image URL</FormLabel>
@ -177,14 +193,23 @@ function SingleImageConverter() {
<FormErrorMessage>{parseError?.message || null}</FormErrorMessage>
<FormControl gridArea="output">
<FormLabel fontSize="sm">
Then, use this new URL in your layouts instead:
<Flex marginBottom="2">
<FormLabel fontSize="sm" margin="0">
Then, use this new URL in your layouts instead:
<Box flex="1 0 auto" width="2" />
{isAlreadyConverted && (
<Flex alignItems="center" fontSize="sm" opacity="0.8">
<CheckIcon marginRight="1.5" />
<InputGroup size="sm">
value={outputUrl || ""}
{outputUrl && (
<InputRightElement width="4rem" paddingRight="1">
@ -213,10 +238,10 @@ function SingleImageConverter() {
{outputUrl && (
{previewImageUrl && (
alt="Outfit image preview"
@ -375,6 +400,7 @@ function BulkImageConverter() {
// for finding multiple matches in large text.
const S3_OUTFIT_URL_EXACT_PATTERN = /^https?:\/\/openneo-uploads\.s3\.amazonaws\.com\/outfits\/([0-9]{3})\/([0-9]{3})\/([0-9]{3})\/(preview|medium_preview|small_preview)\.png$/;
const S3_OUTFIT_URL_GLOBAL_PATTERN = /https?:\/\/openneo-uploads\.s3\.amazonaws\.com\/outfits\/([0-9]{3})\/([0-9]{3})\/([0-9]{3})\/(preview|medium_preview|small_preview)\.png/g;
const OUTFIT_PAGE_URL_EXACT_PATTERN = /^https?:\/\/impress(-2020)?\.openneo\.net\/outfits\/([0-9]+)(\?.*)?$/;
preview: 600,
medium_preview: 300,
@ -386,7 +412,15 @@ function parseS3OutfitUrl(url) {
return null;
const match = S3_OUTFIT_URL_EXACT_PATTERN.exec(url);
const outfitPageMatch = url.match(OUTFIT_PAGE_URL_EXACT_PATTERN);
if (outfitPageMatch) {
throw new UrlAlreadyConvertedError(
`Outfit page links don't need to change!`,
const match = url.match(S3_OUTFIT_URL_EXACT_PATTERN);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(
`This URL didn't match the expected pattern. Make sure it's formatted like this: https://openneo-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/outfits/123/456/789/preview.png`
@ -401,14 +435,17 @@ function parseS3OutfitUrl(url) {
return { outfitId, size };
function buildNewOutfitUrl({ outfitId, size }) {
return `https://impress-outfit-images.openneo.net/outfits/${outfitId}/${size}.png`;
function convertS3OutfitUrl(url) {
const parsedUrl = parseS3OutfitUrl(url);
if (!parsedUrl) {
return null;
const { outfitId, size } = parsedUrl;
return `https://impress-outfit-images.openneo.net/outfits/${outfitId}/${size}.png`;
return buildNewOutfitUrl(parsedUrl);
function replaceS3OutfitUrlsInHtml(html) {
@ -423,4 +460,11 @@ function replaceS3OutfitUrlsInHtml(html) {
return { outputHtml, numReplacements };
class UrlAlreadyConvertedError extends Error {
constructor(message, outfitId) {
this.outfitId = outfitId;
export default OutfitUrlsPage;